Ames Goldsmith Ceimig shows further commitment and backing to PEM technology through the launch of its new HyPer range of platinum and iridium-based catalysts for fuel cells and water electrolysers.
Ames Goldsmith Ceimig is a division of the Ames Goldsmith Corporation, a global specialist in precious metal chemistry. The Ceimig division specialises in PGM catalysts for the new energy and safety markets. The new range of fuel cell and electrolyser catalysts, HyPer, has been the culmination of over 2 years of development work by a cross company team of UK & US scientists. Their focus has been on optimising the deposition of metal on supports through improve techniques, screening & identifying the best support materials and applying postproduction treatments to improve performance.
The HyPer FC range of supported platinum products for fuel cells have been designed to offer improved durability and higher electrochemical performance.
Above is an example showing the improved durability that Ames Goldsmith Ceimig’s HyPer FC 140 (40% platinum on a conductive carbon support) offers against a similar commercially available product. Longer retention of electrochemical performance (durability) translates to a longer life for the fuel cell.
Whilst a product like Ames Goldsmith Ceimig’s HyPerT FC 150X (50% platinum on an ultra-high surface area support) shows both higher electrochemical surface area…
…as well as improved durability verses a similar commercial grade.
High electrochemical surface area can lead to greater power density for the same volume of catalyst or can allow the stack designer to use less catalyst for the same power.
The HyPer WE range of iridium and platinum products for water electrolysers offers a comprehensive selection of grades for use on both the anode and the cathode of the electrolyser.
Ames Goldsmith Ceimig’s long established Iridium Ruthenium Oxide anode catalyst (65% Ir, >120m2/g surface area) has been rebranded HyPer WE 550. As a longstanding champion of low iridium content anode catalysts Ames Goldsmith Ceimig is working with a number of large manufacturers of PEM water electrolysers to produce supported iridium grades targeting iridium loadings <20%. Ames Goldsmith Ceimig is on the forefront of this low iridium technology which will be vital for the long-term adoption of PEM electrolysis and in the fight against climate change.
More information on Ames Goldsmith Ceimig’s HyPer range of catalysts for PEM fuel cells and water electrolysers can be found on their website (
Author – Wayne Thornhill – Sales Manager – Ames Goldsmith Ceimig –