
Aisin Develops Ultrahigh-Efficiency Motor Using Soft Magnetic Alloy from Tohoku Magnet Institute 

Aisin Corporation has developed an ultrahigh-efficiency motor jointly with Tohoku Magnet Institute using TMI’s newly developed nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloy, Nanomet. Aisin invested in TMI in June of last year and a prototype of the motor was exhibited at the Automotive Engineering Exposition 2023, held recently in Yokohama. Both firms are based in Japan, and each contributed their technical capabilities to the development. TMI is an R&D spinout from Tohoku University where the alloy was invented.  […]


Researchers at Aichi Steel & Tohoku University Design Lighter, Smaller e-Axle 

Using its molded MagFine alloy, Aichi Steel reports that it has developed in collaboration with Tohoku University an experimental e-axle that is 40% lighter and smaller than conventional designs. It combines a newly developed compact high-speed reducer with a compact and lightweight 34,000 rpm motor. For the first time, says the company, it has succeeded in proofing the technology of a high-speed, high-reduction next-generation electric axle with high-speed rotation and high deceleration that contributes to weight reduction.  […]