Design & Testing

SFC Energy Tests Disaster Relief in Germany, Ships More Units to Singapore and Canada 

Few companies can demonstrate the effectiveness of fuel cells for diverse applications like SFC Energy AG of Germany, a pioneering manufacturer in hydrogen technology with an array of market-focused products. Further credence comes from several recent developments, one being a test for disaster relief power in Germany, others being continued orders from Singapore for its portable units and a repeat order from an oil & gas operator for a hybrid trailer-mount version tailored for remote off-grid sites.  […]

Fuel Cell / Hydrogen

First 100%-Hydrogen Train Route Caps Partner-Rich H2 & Fuel Cell Buildout by Alstom 

Only days before the beginning of September, a rite of passage occurred on the rail tracks of Lower Saxony, Germany when the Coradia iLint reached a historical milestone as it began use on the world premiere 100% hydrogen train route in passenger operation. The fuel-cell powered regional train emits only only steam and condensed water while operating with a low level of noise. Engineered and built by Alstom, it highlights a remarkable series of steps that the company has made recently in hydrogen and fuel cell development for e-mobility — much of the activity derived from its acquisition of fuel cell manufacturer Helion Hydrogen Power in 2021. […]